Monday, October 09, 2006

Does every knitter own a cat?

I have no new knitting to update, or that of which I have pictures to show off. But I have been knitting. I have been working on a sweater jacket for a while now, I had finished the biggest part of it and put it aside for a few months, and just recently picked it back up again. I have made a ton of dishcloths (no pics of either). That's pretty much it as far as my knitting goes.

I do want to show off (that I have too many pictures of) my cat Tiger. He swears up and down he's human....and poses for pics to prove it.

This picture says "I love to knit" - Reality is he LOVES to eat the labels off the yarn.

This pictures says "I sit like humans do" - Reality is that he was pissed that I bothered his washing time.

This picture says "Peek a boo!!!" - Reality is the light was bothering his much needed sleep

This picture says "I'll help you with these sewing patterns!!!!" - Reality is he was a pain in the ass!

And finally this last picture is saying "I love helping my mom with every ones laundry" - Reality is he was getting his much shedding FUR ALL OVER MY NICE CLEAN CLOTHES!!!!

Trust me I have tons more but don't want to overwhelm you with just Tiger. I'll wait for a day I have some finished knitted projects to show off.

Friday, September 29, 2006

New beginnings

Hey there everyone!!! It has taken me a while to get a blog up and going but I needed to get myself organized. I'm not quite there yet but I'm working on it. I figured since the kids have been in school for about a month and pretty much setteled in I would start up a new blog.
I'm really bad at keeping up with them, I'm hoping with this ?new? way of thinking I guess you would call it (What I'm really trying to do is not flip out or become a psycho everytime something makes me mad).
I think the last thing I was working on my last blog was a sweater for my sister - I have pictures of it in peices but not of the whole sweater I don't think. Then again it is 7 in the morning and I'm only beginning to sip my morning tea.